Here is some random advice for people planning an Isle Royale trip ...especially their first Isle Royale Trip:
1. Don't try to see (or do) too much in one trip. Slow down. Travel shorter distances. Relax more. Keep your eyes, ears, and other senses open and alert to noticing things. People are often so interested in covering long distances and rushing to get to the next camp (or talking to their companions)--that they often walk or paddle past many interesting things. 2. Intentionally build flexibility, options, (and a day of two with low--or no--mileage) into your plans and itinerary (even on a short trip). I have seen so many people leave almost no room in their plans for things like transportation delays in getting to the Island, or things like bad weather, poor trail conditions, illness, or injury slowing their pace. Then, when such challenges do arise (such as getting to the Island a day late or twisting an ankle), they find themselves in a very difficult situation because they allowed no room in their schedule for transportation delays or for something that might slow down their travel pace. 3. Take time to do planning and research LONG BEFORE coming to the Island. Closely read and examine the official Isle Royale National Park Service website. Read the Park newspaper ("The Greenstone") which is available online. Read some of the books and printed guides which are available. Visit online sources like this Facebook group, the official NPS Isle Royale Facebook page, the online Isle Royale Forums. I am constantly amazed at the number of people whose questions could have been answered (and/or their challenges on the Island avoided) if they had done just 30-60 minutes of solid research. (Don't forget to use the "search" function on online forums and Facebook groups. Most questions have already been answered countless times).
It is that time of the year when (once again) many people start asking questions regarding the "bugs" on Isle Royale and when they will be present and bothersome in large numbers. Here are my thoughts on that subject:
1) ALWAYS come to Isle Royale prepared for potential encounters with large numbers of attacking flies, mosquitos, and other bugs. Bring insect repellent. Bring a head net. Maybe treat your clothing and gear with permethrin--or similar repellents. It is better to come prepared to deal with "bugs" and not need it--than to need it--and not be prepared. 2) No one knows (for sure) when and where the bugs will be "problematic" on Isle Royale. (Read that sentence again--two or three times and slowly). Contrary to popular opinion, the bugs DO NOT publish their plans long in advance on social media. Weather conditions play a big role in regard to when there are more/less "bugs". Large numbers of bugs can be present at just about anytime that the park is open. (That being said, the chances of encountering lots of problematic bugs is probably less very early and very late in the Isle Royale season). 3) Even on the same day, "bug conditions" can vary from place to place on the Island--and even at different places in the same campground (or on different sections of the same trail). 4) Some people seem to attract bugs (such as flies and mosquitos) more/less than other people. Also, different people deal with "bugs" differently. Some people can have a huge swarm of mosquitos landing on them--and hardly feel bothered by it. Other people can SEE two bugs 20 feet away from them --and practically lose their mind over "the really bad bug conditions". 5) For those who still REALLY need to have an answer to the question "When (and where) on Isle Royale will the bugs be really bad?" Here is an answer: "Moskey Basin-- from 5:45 p.m. to 9:02 p.m. on June 11, 2022 and also at East Chickenbone Campground from 7:19 p.m. to 8:27 p.m. on June 22nd." I hope that answer helps those individuals who REALLY need to know when or where the bugs will be problematic. (Actually, my answer has just about as much chance of being accurate as nearly any other answer that someone might offer). Happy trails! |
Jon Prain ("The Isle Royale Guy") has made 18 trips to Isle Royale. He shares his insights and opinions in this blog. Archives
March 2024